Electronic Database

National Mentalities:

Studies in the Context of Globalization and Interaction of Cultures

Edited by Anna Pavlovskaya and Grigory Kanarsh
The site was developed with the support of the Russian Foundation for the Humanities (project №13-03-12003).

Main/Ethnic and Cultural Diversity of Russia/Ethnopsychological Features of the Peoples of Russia/The North Caucasus/

Russians and Chechens: problems of intercultural dialogue (Pavlovskiy I. I., Dzhibrailova M.)

The paper reveals main stages and results of the interaction of the Russian and the Vainakhs (Chechens and Ingush) based on the memoirs of V. F. Rusin: from first acquaintance in the XVI century, the active co-existence in the following centuries, to the hostilities in the XIX century and dependency of Chechnya on the Russian Empire, the discriminatory policies of the USSR in the XX century as regards the population of Chechnya and its forced relocations, to armed clashes in the late XX century and the establishment of a favourable environment for intercultural dialogue in the beginning of XXI century. Throughout their history, the Vainakhs always lived in close cooperation not only with the Russians, but also with the Armenians, the Turks, the Georgians and other mountain peoples.

The constant threat of military attacks developed Vainakh ‘highland’ consciousness with such traits as: love of freedom; courage; militancy and willingness to respond quickly to events; high degree of adaptation to circumstances; traditionalism; regional patriotism; adherence to traditions and customs, beliefs, religion and language. The key values of the Chechen people are respect for elderly people, hospitality, collectivism, close family ties, mutual assistance, self-esteem and pride.

Keywords: Chechens, Ingush, Vainakhs, discrimination, highland identity.

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