Electronic Database

National Mentalities:

Studies in the Context of Globalization and Interaction of Cultures

Edited by Anna Pavlovskaya and Grigory Kanarsh
The site was developed with the support of the Russian Foundation for the Humanities (project №13-03-12003).

Main/Ethnic and Cultural Diversity of Russia/Russian National Character and Mentality/

Pavlovskaya A. V. Traditions of Russian entrepreneurship

The paper is devoted to history, traditions and peculiarities of Russian entrepreneurship. The author disproves the stereotype about the lack of business acumen among the Russian people. Folk tales, chronicles, written evidence of the first travellers-merchants and foreigners, biographies of businessmen, fiction widespread phenomena of fair and bazaar, development of cities along the water and land trade routes indicate the development of the merchant class (from IX), then the growth of craft and agricultural production. Since XVII manufactory and factories expanded; from the second half of XIX century Russia was a leader in global industrial development.

Within the development of entrepreneurship, the Russian system of values ​​retained a negative attitude towards wealth and money; there was not a labour cult (as in protestant cultures), labour was considered as a necessary source of existence. Wealth was opposed to spirituality that laid the foundations for the traditions of charity and patronage.

Russian merchants were characterized by opposite features: waste, extravagance and thrift, economy. Merchants in Russia were mostly former peasants that contributed to feelings of uncertainty, and to the simplicity of life, moderation, and religiosity. Entrepreneurs among Old Believers were hard-working persevering, resolute. Mutual assistance, patriarchal relationships and close family ties have led to the development of merchant clans.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, merchants, Old Believers, charity, patronage, fair, bazaar.

Full text in Russian

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