Electronic Database

National Mentalities:

Studies in the Context of Globalization and Interaction of Cultures

Edited by Anna Pavlovskaya and Grigory Kanarsh
The site was developed with the support of the Russian Foundation for the Humanities (project №13-03-12003).

Main/Ethnic and Cultural Diversity of Russia/Ethnopsychological Features of the Peoples of Russia/Central Asia /

Lamazhaa Ch. K. Diaspora Tuva in the metropolis

The article focuses on the problems of the national character of the Tuvans (the titular ethnic group) who left the Tuva region and moved to large Russian cities (especially Moscow). The work considers the possibility of studying the phenomenon of internal diaspora (ethno-cultural community living outside the main ethno-cultural territory) within the Russian Federation.

Quantity and quality parameters (including size, structure, special features) of Moscow Tuvan diaspora are mentioned in the paper. The diaspora includes ‘old inhabitants’ (representatives of the first wave of migration of the Soviet period) and ‘new settlers’ (representatives of the second wave of migration of the post-Soviet period). The issues of ethnic identity, internal migrants, changing attitudes to traditional culture, as well as to the native land are taken under examination.

Tuvan national character perspectives are considered in connection with the problem of personal modernization — personal changes owing to the necessary adaptation to modern, dynamically changing world. For such diaspora members it is important to retain ethnic identity.

Keywords: metropolis, inner diaspora, national character, the Tuvans, Moscow, ethnic identity, personal modernization.

Full text in Russian

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